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Exchange Rates
- At the exchange office
- At an ATM
- In the application
- Transfers abroad
Currency | Purchase | Sale | Rate of the Central Bank |
USD | 12690 | 12800 | 12736.48 |
EUR | 13600 | 14600 | 14193.53 |
GBP | 16200 | 17200 | 17013.39 |
JPY | 80 | 100 | 88.01 |
CHF | 14500 | 15500 | 15012.35 |
As of 27.09.2024 09:00:00
Currency | Purchase | Sale | Rate of the Central Bank |
USD | 12500 | 12800 | 12736.48 |
EUR | 13600 | 14600 | 14193.53 |
GBP | 16200 | 17200 | 17013.39 |
JPY | 80 | 100 | 88.01 |
CHF | 14500 | 15500 | 15012.35 |
As of 27.09.2024 09:00:00
Currency | Purchase | Sale | Rate of the Central Bank |
USD | 12690 | 12800 | 12736.48 |
EUR | 13600 | 14600 | 14193.53 |
GBP | 16200 | 17200 | 17013.39 |
JPY | 80 | 100 | 88.01 |
CHF | 14500 | 15500 | 15012.35 |
As of 27.09.2024 09:00:00
Currency | Purchase | Sale | Rate of the Central Bank |
USD | 12690 | 12800 | 12736.48 |
As of 27.09.2024 09:00:00
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