On January 26 of this year, a practical seminar on the topic "Fundamentals of Islamic finance and financial products used in the modern Islamic banking system" was organized at the head office of the Mikrokreditbank joint-stock commercial bank.
The seminar was conducted by specialists of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector.
These specialists, who have practical experience in Islamic finance, together with more than a hundred participants of the seminar, consisting mainly of regional and district branches of the bank, got information on topics related to the basics of Islamic economy, finance and banking.
The purpose of this seminar is to provide bank employees with detailed information on the financial instruments and products used within the framework of the Islamic banking and finance system, to strengthen their knowledge and skills in this field, and to demonstrate the possibilities of this system in practice.
In the educational seminar, information was provided on the concepts of Islamic finance, murobaha and murobah, and recommendations aimed at implementing these types of instruments in the banking system of Uzbekistan.