Preferential loans at an annual rate of 18 % for a period of up to 7 years with a grace period of 3 years :
- For women who do business as individuals in the amount of up to 33 million soums (without collateral);
- For women-led business entities: up to 225 million soums will be allocated (types of collateral provided by legislation)
Loans are allocated through a single electronic online platform ( in a fully digitized manner::
- Loan applications are reviewed at all stages online ( based on scoring analysis, and information about the decision taken at each stage is provided through the platform (SMS-notification, e-mail or personal cabinet)
- Documents on the allocation of credit funds (application, recommendation of the assistant governor, loan agreement, purchase agreement, etc.) are created electronically and signed remotely.
- Loans are made on the basis of a contract with a supplier independently selected by a citizen using the "marketplace" system created on the platform